The temporal lift or lateral brow lift is the intervention that allows to reposition the tail of the eyebrow and the corner of the eye and thus to beautify and rejuvenate the look.

Why hace a temporal lift?

Nowadays, people pay more and more attention to their appearance and the aesthetics of their face. The eyebrows play an important role in the communication of emotions. Heavy eyebrows and drooping corners of the eye impart a tired look and therefore a tired face. Non-invasive means such as botulinum toxin (Botox) can be a solution, but they are often ineffective in severe cases. The temporal lift or the brow lift allows to permanently correct the position and the orientation of the tail of the eyebrow as well as the corner of the eye to improve their appearance.


The temporal lift or lateral brow lift allows to open the eyes, to relax it and thus to beautify it. It also allows to:

  • reduce wrinkles and hollows in the lateral part of the forehead
  • raise the tail of the eyebrow (Brow lift)
  • lift the corner of the eye (effect known as “Cat eye” or “Fox eye”)
  • reduce the heaviness of the eyelid
  • smooth the crow’s feet

What it cannot do

The temporal lift does not replace the upper blepharoplasty.

It does not replace the facelift.


The scar from the temporal lift is placed at the edge of the hair in the temporal area. Once healed, it becomes almost invisible.