Breast augmentation or Boob Job is the surgery that increases the volumes of the breasts. It is one of the most widely performed cosmetic procedures in the world. It can be done classically by placing silicone breast implants or more rarely by lipofilling (injection of autologous fat). Doctor EL FATMI is not a big fan of the second technique although he masters it perfectly.

Why have a breast augmentation?

The breast is a defining characteristic of a woman’s body which gives it beauty, femininity and sensuality. When the size or shape of the breasts does not fit well with the rest of the body and they are too small, it can have a big impact on self-esteem. Small breasts can also cause dressing problems. When this is the case and the size of the breasts causes psychological discomfort, breast augmentation is the solution.


Breast augmentation allows to adapt the size of the breasts of patients to the rest of their body or simply to the image they have of it, and this, of course, within reason. It therefore makes it possible to:

  • improve the proportions of the silhouette and find a better balance between the chest and the hips
  • create a beautiful cleavage by achieving better fullness of the breasts
  • re-fill breasts that have lost their volume after pregnancy or weight loss
  • symmetrizing asymmetric breasts in their shape or size

What breast augmentation cannot do :

Breast augmentation alone does not:

  • lift a breast with significant ptosis. In that case, it should be combined with a periareolar breast lift for mild cases and a full lift for the most important cases.
  • correct high-grade tuberous breasts


Classically there are 2 types of scars:

  • the lower hemi-areolar scar: the scar is hidden at the areola-skin border and becomes almost invisible.
  • the inframammary scar: the scar is hidden in the inframammary fold.

Dr EL FATMI is not a big fan of the 2nd technique and only practices it at the patient’s express request.