Liposuction, also called liposculpture or lipostructure, is one of the most commonly performed procedures in cosmetic surgery. It aims to remove localized fat deposits through suction. It also helps to shape and sculpt the silhouette.

Why have a liposuction?

Many patients admit to being frustrated in their effort to get rid of excess of fat that has accumulated in parts of the body such as the abdomen, flanks (love handles), thighs, or other areas. Indeed, even by practicing an adapted diet and physical activity, some cannot overcome stubborn fat. So, for those who want to improve their silhouette effectively and durably, liposuction is the best solution.


Liposuction aims to reduce or eliminate localized fat in certain areas of the body that have not responded to diet and physical activity such as:

  • the double chin
  • the arms
  • the back
  • gynecomastia for men
  • the abdomen and flanks
  • the hips
  • thighs, knees, calves and ankles

What liposuction cannot do

Liposuction is not a treatment for overweight or obesity but aims to remove fat from well-defined and localized areas. It is therefore not a substitute for a correct diet.

Liposuction does not treat cellulite or the orange peel appearance. It also does not treat excess skin or loose skin.


Liposuction is done through small holes of a few millimeters well hidden in different places of the body and which, once healed, are almost invisible.