Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP, is a substance injected to promote healing. Plasma is a component of the blood that contains factors and proteins that help it to clot. It also contains proteins that support cell growth. PRP is produced by isolating plasma from the blood and concentrating it.

Injecting PRP into damaged tissue stimulates the body to develop new healthy cells and promotes rapid healing because the latter is concentrated in growth factors.


PRP stimulates skin cells or any tissue in the body and helps treat several conditions:

  • hair loss
  • pigmentation disorders
  • wrinkled skin
  • skins having lost their tone
  • dehydrated skin

Course of treatment

The treatment ideally takes place as follows:

  • initial treatment: 3-4 sessions one month apart
  • maintenance treatment: every 3 to 6 months depending on the skin

Association :

PRP can be combined with mesotherapy, Skinbooster and medical peels for better efficiency.