Rhinoplasty, or nose job, is the procedure that changes the shape of the nose and improves its function.

It can be performed for medical reasons such as breathing problems or to treat sequelae of trauma or congenital malformation.

It can also be performed for cosmetic reasons in order to change the shape of the nose and its appearance.

Why have a Rhinoplasty?

The size and shape of the nose play a significant role in the appearance of the face. A dys-harmonious nose can become a source of psychological and social handicap, even more if it is accompanied by nasal obstruction.


The goal of rhinoplasty is to create a more balanced, more harmonious nose, which adapts well to the person’s face and personality.

Thus, it aims to correct:

  • the size or length of the nose
  • the width of the nose both at its base at the top and at the level of the nostrils
  • the profile of the nose (correcting a bump or hollow)
  • the tip of the nose (if it is globular, drooping or poorly defined)
  • the size of the nostrils
  • a nasal asymmetry
  • the permeability of the nasal cavities to improve air flow and thus nasal breathing

What rhinoplasty cannot do

It does not allow to correct a problem of convex profile; it must therefore be associated with genioplasty most often.


Usually, Dr EL FATMI would rather perform an open rhinoplasty (or external) which allows to visualize all the structures of the nose and especially to treat the tip. This approach leaves a small horizontal scar on the columella (the piece of skin between the nostrils) which is almost invisible.

For special cases of rhinoplasty or septoplasty to treat a lump alone or a cartilage deviation alone, closed rhinoplasty (or internal) is indicated. This route leaves no scar since the incision is made inside the nose.