Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery (Eyelid Surgery or Eye Lift) can be done on the upper eyelids or the lower eyelids or both at the same time. It helps to get rid of excess skin and muscle on the eyelids but also to treat fatty pockets at this level.

Why have a blepharoplasty?

With age, the skin loses its elasticity and volume. The eyelid then becomes drooping. The effect of gravity leads to sagging skin causing a curtain of skin on the upper eyelid and rides on the lower eyelid. The fatty pockets externalize and bulge under the skin, giving a puffy and tired appearance.


  • Get rid of excess skin, muscles and fat to give the appearance of young and toned eyelids.
  • Open the gaze and give him back his lost youth.
  • Enlarge the field of vision by eliminating the curtain in front of the eyes (for advanced cases).

What blepharoplasty cannot do

  • Smooth the crow’s feet; it would then be necessary to combine Botox.
  • Lift the eye or the eyebrow (Cat eyes or Fox eyes); this requires the combination of brow lift or canthopexy.


For upper blepharoplasty, the scar is hidden in the upper palpebral crease and is virtually invisible.

For classic lower blepharoplasty, the scar is hidden in a crease just below the eyelashes and is almost invisible.

For trans-conjunctival blepharoplasty (indicated to treat fatty pockets only without removing the skin), the incision is made through the inside of the eyelid and leaves no scars.