Loss of volume is one of the most important and early signs of aging on the face.

It is not always necessary to have surgery to correct mild signs. Hyaluronic acid is considered the best alternative to surgery in such cases. It helps to fill volume losses in certain areas of the face and to distribute them better in order to improve its aesthetic appearance.

Hyaluronic acid is perfectly tolerated because it is a substance naturally present in the skin.

Hyaluronic acid helps to reshape the contours of the face, reduce its irregularities and improve its symmetry. It is useful for:

  • outline and plump the lips
  • redraw the contours of the nose (medical rhinoplasty) by camouflaging a bump, by refining the dorsum and by raising the tip.
  • fill the nasolabial folds (which start from the nose and go down to the corners of the mouth)
  • redraw and project the cheekbones
  • fill the furrows that start from the corner of the mouth and go down to the chin
  • fill dark circles and tear trough
  • lift cheeks and jowls
  • redefine the jaw line
  • enhance the chin …


The effect of hyaluronic acid filler is instantaneous.


Varies from 6 to 12 months depending on the type of hyaluronic acid (in terms of density) and the areas injected.