Gynecomastia is the excess of breast tissue in men. It can be unilateral or bilateral. Adipomastia is the excess of fatty tissue in the breasts in a man. After investigating the cause, if there is one, patients can be managed surgically to treat this condition.
Why have a cure of Gynecomastia / Adipomastia?
Gynecomastia can cause embarrassment and shame in adolescents and young adults. Indeed, the torso plays an important role in the aesthetic appearance of a man and in his virility. Gynecomastia disrupts a man’s figure and can lower his self-esteem. If it is adipomastia, physical activity and diet can decrease breast size but never really eliminate them.
Surgery is the solution then.
The treatment for gynecomastia is often done with simple liposuction if there is no excess skin and if the gland is fluid enough. Otherwise, the surgeon must perform a surgical excision. The excess tissue is then removed surgically through a small or larger incision depending on the amount of skin to be removed.
This allows to :
- eliminate excess fat and gland
- reposition the nipple and reduce its size if necessary
- remove excess skin if there is any
If the patient is treated with liposuction alone, there is no scar apart from the entry points of the suction cannulas. These are virtually invisible.
If the patient requires surgical resection, the scar size ranges from the inferior peri-areolar scar to the inverted T scar:
- the lower hemi-areolar scar: allows treatment of simple gynecomastia without excess skin
- the circumferential peri-areolar scar: used to treat moderate excess skin
- the inverted T scar: it is a line all around the nipple which is extended by a vertical line to the inframammary fold, then by a horizontal line hidden in the submammary fold, it makes it possible to treat large gynecomastia with significant skin excess.